

Clean Water….Green City: Blending the interests of land and water in Philadelphia

The plan reimagines the city as an oasis of rain gardens, green roofs, permeable pavements, thousands of additional trees, and more. According to Howard Neukrug, the Philadelphia Water Department’s Director of the Office of Watersheds, “We are taking that (old, grey infrastructure) barrier down, and are stopping the water from ever hitting the system.”

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Funding from City of Calgary and CMHC enables incorporation of new capabilities in Water Balance Model

“The addition of the Water Re-Use from Storage Module will increase the versatility of the Water Balance Model as a key tool in the City of Calgary’s toolbox of Low Impact Development strategies,” states Liliana Bozic. “Primary goals of the City’s Stormwater Strategy encompass developing cost-effective and sustainable rainwater/stormwater solutions that will work with our climate and soils. Rainwater harvesting is an area of interest that we have been working on for a number of years.”

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Inter-Provincial Partnership announces that City of Edmonton is the newest Water Balance Model Partner

“The process of evolving current design practices for neighbourhoods, roadways, and the minor/major drainage system to manage the total volume – in addition to the peak rate of urban runoff – requires tools for planning and engineered site design. The WBM is one such tool that can help City land use, transportation, drainage and park planners to develop integrated urban design plans at the higher-level or watershed scale,” stated Lynden Hyurek.

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