Pulling Together the Pieces of the Stormwater Puzzle: Porous pavement and other techniques in Portland



Each New Development Represents an Opportunity

“Development in Portland is entering a new generation of stormwater management practices by using tools like porous pavement, seepage trenches, bioswales, infiltration planters, and other innovative techniques not only to treat and retain or detain stormwater but also to attempt to more closely mimic the predevelopment hydrologic cycle for a site,” wrote W. Matthew Rogers and Mike Faha in the September 2007 of Stormwater Magazine.

“Stormwater problems are complex puzzles, as every parcel of land in each watershed is connected to the next watershed by the nearest stream or river—which transmits and perpetuates the impact of every occurrence downstream. Conversely, each new development project represents an opportunity to make one piece of the puzzle a contributor to the whole solution.”

To read the complete story in Stormwater Magazine, click on Pulling Together the Pieces of the Stormwater Puzzle. It describes how the Port of Portland’s Terminal 6 Expansion proved that rethinking old materials and approaches could move the state of the practice forward in solving the rainwater/stormwater puzzle.



Before STORMWATER, The Journal for Surface Water Quality Professionals, there was no single publication written specifically for  the professional involved with surface water quality issues, protection, projects, and programs.


Posted March 2010