

New York City to curb sewage surges with green infrastructure

NYC Green Infrastructure Plan – cover (360p) – October 2010
The city's hybrid gray and green strategy would invest $US2.4 billion over 20 years to comply with new regulations. A critical goal is to manage runoff from 10% of the impervious surfaces in combined seweer watersheds through detention and infiltration source controls.

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A crucially important message in Beyond the Guidebook 2010: “We now have the tools and experience to design with nature”

“So many of us in local government are still searching for the magical ‘silver bullet’ that with the stroke of a pen will resolve all our watershed issues and challenges while at the same time stimulate economic activity and accommodate growth. Yet soil, vegetation and trees can do more for our watersheds than decades of planning, consulting and complicated engineering design will ever achieve," states Richard Boase.

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Development and Watershed Protection are Compatible? Since When?

“A decade ago, we thought that if we could hold the line for 20 years, we believed that we might be able to improve conditions over 50 years. Early success has given us confidence that this is attainable much sooner,” stated Kim Stephens. “A decade ago, the breakthrough in thinking came when we developed the concept of a Rainfall Spectrum to categorize the rainfall-days that occur each year.”

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The Story of East Courtenay over the past two decades: from fields and forest to urban community

“We featured the east Courtenay area in the first seminar because this part of the city has evolved from fields and forest over the past two decades, and so has our approach to rainwater and stormwater management. We incorporated a walkabout at the front-end of the seminar program so that participants would have a visual frame of reference for concepts that will be covered in the curriculum for the second and third seminars,” stated Kevin Lagan. A key objective is consistency at local front counters so that developers and development consultants hear a consistent message as to what is expected of them.

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