

Climate Change Research Helps Communities in British Columbia

“Local Governments are making significant progress in preparing for a changing climate, from vulnerability assessments to comprehensive climate adaptation plans. Throughout these processes, a key challenge has been translating global climate science to local land-use decisions,” states Chris Jensen.

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The Dirt Makes the Difference

“It’s an old idea that’s new again. There used to be a whole federal agency in the U.S. that was devoted to soil protection. Franklin D. Roosevelt said – rather dramatically, after watching the devastation of the Dust Bowl – ‘The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.’ Yet somehow, decades later, it feels like we are rediscovering topsoil for the 21st Century,” writes Anna Warwick Sears.

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Topsoil Bylaws Toolkit – new guidance document supports Water Conservation and Rainwater Management in BC

“Deep, rich topsoil is a giant sponge for water – slowly releasing moisture as the plants grow. It captures rain so you don’t have to irrigate as often. And it reduces run-off. If we can reduce the waste, and “Make Water Work,” it leaves more water for fish, more for growing local food and wine, and cuts our water costs,” states Anna Warwick Sears.

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Vic Derman’s Natural City: Three Lenses to Shape the Urban Future

At the third and final event in the 2008 Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation Series, Councillor Vic Derman of the District of Saanich elaborated on his vision for The Natural City. He posed the question: “What do we want this place to look like in 50 years, and how will we get from here to there?”

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University of British Columbia Conference includes Green Infrastructure Tour

“The tour was first-rate as we were able to provide a casual setting in the midst of a nice blend of research, practicality and on the ground implementation. As the Green Infrastructure tours have already proven it is not until people actually get out into the field, look at things and “kick the tires” that the momentum of change really begins,” stated Richard Boase.

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Monitoring Green Infrastructure Performance in the City of Portland

“Information on how well green infrastructure facilities perform is critical to quantify their benefits, lower maintenance costs, ensure public safety, and improve overall design and function. n particular, information was desired on how well the facilities could reduce peak flows and total flow volume, which have implications for watershed health and regulatory compliance in the combined sewer system,” stated Tim Kurtz.

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