New York City to curb sewage surges with green infrastructure



NYC Green Infrastructure Plan

“Last week New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Department of Environmental Protection unveiled a proposal for a new “NYC Green Infrastructure Plan” to help New york city - sewage overflowreduce the city's serious sewage overflow problem.” writes Alice Henly, an associate editor for the NRDC Simple Steps and Smarter Cities programs, on her blog on the Grist.

“The proposal has two key components: widespread use of green infrastructure in public spaces — such as green roofs, parks, tree boxes, roadside plantings, porous pavement in parking lots, cisterns, and rain barrels — as well as the establishment of design requirements for developers to ensure that all private property projects manage a minimum volume of stormwater on site.”


About the Plan

New York's Green Infrastructure Plan presents an alternative approach to improving water quality that integrates 'green infrastructure', such as swales and green roofs, with investments to optimize the existing system and to build targeted, smaller-scale 'grey' or traditional infrastructure.

This is a multi-pronged, modular, and adaptive approach to a complicated problem that will provide widespread, immediate benefits at a lower cost. The green infrastructure component of this strategy builds upon and reinforces the strong public and government support that will be necessary to make additional water quality investments.

A critical goal of the green infrastructure component is to manage runoff from 10% of the impervious surfaces in combined sewer watersheds through detention and infiltration source controls.


To Learn More:

To read the complete story, click on New York City to curb sewage surges with green infrastructure

NYC green infrastructure plan - cover (360p) - october 2010

Posted October 2010