ASSET MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE SERVICE DELIVERY: “The question that is trending is: what are the liability risks of addressing climate change through natural asset management?” wrote Stephen Gares of the Municipal Insurance Association of BC (Fall 2023 issue of Asset Management BC Newsletter)


The Fall 2023 edition of the Asset Management BC Newsletter includes an article by Stephen Gares of the Municipal Insurance Association of BC. The article is titled MIABC – Can Natural Assets Actually Reduce Liability Risk? 

Can Natural Assets Actually Reduce Liability Risk?

“It has been widely acknowledged that climate change is having an impact on local governments. Lately, much has been written advocating for the use of natural asset management to reduce the impacts of climate change. But every novel approach carries with it uncertainty about the potential for increased risks,” stated Stephen Gares.

“As research confirms that natural asset management is at least equally as effective as engineered approaches, and as the use of natural asset management becomes accepted by mainstream experts and adopted by local governments, in time, we should find that the courts too will accept natural asset management as a reasonable approach.”


To read the complete article, download the Fall 2023 edition of the Asset Management BC Newsletter.