

Paul Ham

Under Paul Ham’s leadership, the Green Infrastructure Partnership achieved a great deal – for example, the Showcasing Innovation Series helped local government practitioners immeasurably by creating forums for them to share their experiences and lessons learned. This created a ripple effect that spurred even more innovation.

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Erik Karlsen

A decade ago, Erik Karlsen crafted a series of ‘think-pieces’ that shone the spotlight on what it means to convene for action and move from awareness to practice. He has the ability to assess the situation as it is and develop a roadmap for going forward based upon realistic assumptions. The work he did in the area of leading and managing change is standing the test of time.

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John Sidnell

John’s experience covers the full range of engineering practice, from developing master plans and municipal design criteria to implementing both piped and natural drainage systems. He walks the talk. He re-landscaped his own property to restore the absorptive capacity of the ground.

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2012 Annual Report for the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia

“The Convening for Action in BC initiative continues to be the Partnership’s primary strategy to support the implementation of water sustainability strategies at the community level. The various tools – Water Balance Model, Waterbucket and Water Conservation Calculator – and action initiatives (Metro Vancouver, Kamloops and Vancouver Island) define Convening for Action,” stated Tim Pringle.

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PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE: Mission Possible – Implementing a New Culture for Urban Watershed Protection and Restoration in British Columbia

“A decade ago, the Province of British Columbia made a conscious decision to follow an educational rather than prescriptive path to change practices for the use and conservation of land and water. Practical research and new tools are now enabling engineers, planners and other disciplines to do business differently,” states Tim Pringle.

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