DOWNLOAD: Land and Water Stewardship: Beyond the Guidebook Initiative Will Help Achieve “Develop with Care 2012” Outcomes




Province-wide Guidelines

In 2006, the Province of BC released Develop with Care: Environmental Guidelines for Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia. Now, “Develop with Care 2012” replaces the original version of this internationally acclaimed guidance document.

Develop with Care 2012 features information on ‘green’ alternatives to typical urban development, riparian protection, climate change, Environmentally Valuable Resources, terms of reference for conducting biological inventories, checklists for streamlining review processes, and much more. It promotes ways to retain and create environmental function and resilience as communities grow,” reports Marlene Caskey, the project lead for both the 2006 and 2012 versions of this joint Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) document.


Reduce a Community’s ‘Water Footprint’

Develop with Care 2012 is an implementation tool for Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan. The latter is a call to action on the part of local government to prepare communities for change, do business differently, and over time reduce the ‘water footprint’ of BC communities.

Also, nested within “Develop with Care 2012” is the Beyond the Guidebook initiative. This is building on the technical foundation created a decade ago when the Province and Environment Canada jointly released Stormwater Planning: A Guidebook for British Columbia. The Beyond the Guidebook initiative provides local government with tools and understanding to integrate the site with the watershed and the stream.


To Learn More:

To download the complete document, click on Land and Water Stewardship: Beyond the Guidebook Initiative Will Help Achieve “Develop with Care 2012” Outcomes.