

Partnership for Water Sustainability’s 2014 Leadership Team

“The Leadership Team comprises Directors and non-Directors. For more than a decade, the team has been responsible for developing and delivering elements of the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia. This provincial initiative provides an umbrella for bringing together partnerships and convening for action,” reports Peter Law.

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Wetlands, Not Wastelands: Workshop for Metro Vancouver Municipalities showcased “Water Sustainability Action Plan for BC”

“Context for the Wetland Workshop was provided by the vision for a Metro Vancouver Regional Green Infrastructure Network. Managing the lands in the Green Infrastructure Network to ensure that they continue to provide ecosystem services that we depend on is important. Wetlands are the kidneys of the earth. We are challenging local government by posing this question: Is your municipality doing enough to prevent downstream impacts from rainwater runoff while maintaining healthy aquatic habitat?,” stated Neil Fletcher.

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“Get Your Mind Into the Gutter Workshop” Showcases Leadership and Innovation in Harvesting Rainwater in British Columbia

“I now see that we are one very small step away from seeing this region embrace rainwater harvesting in a manner in which I had only thought was something to dream about; and I am inspired to really push to see that the goals that we have for our North Vancouver watersheds are realized,” stated Richard Boase. “We are really close to seeing our region embrace the kind of smart development that I had thought was much further away than it is today. That’s what I am taking away from this day.”

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Partnership for Water Sustainability celebrates 10th Anniversary of “Water Sustainability Action Plan for BC” at 2013 AGM

“Over the past decade, we have built a ‘partnership architecture’ that solidifies commitment to achieving practical outcomes under the umbrella of the Action Plan. It is the breadth of these partnerships that enables the Partnership for Water Sustainability to fulfil its integrating role and connect dots to links humans, watershed, landscape and buildings,” concludes Kim Stephens.

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BC Partnership celebrates 10th anniversary of Water Sustainability Action Plan on December 3, 2013

“Over the last 10 years, the WSC/Partnership has accomplished much. Through a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Environment, we developed the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, which provided the framework for our work,” states Raymond Fung. “As a result, the website portal was initiated.  The Water Balance Model was developed.  The Water$ave Toolkit was completed.  The Green Infrastructure Partnership was launched.  And on Vancouver Island in particular, the Convening for Action initiative has inspired a whole grassroots collective.”

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