
About this Community-of-Interest

WATER SUSTAINABILITY ACTION PLAN: Community-of-practice for ‘Convening for Action in British Columbia’ – “Having the website as a communication platform allows the Action Plan partners to ‘tell our story’ and ‘record our history’ as a work-in-progress,” stated Ray Fung (2006)

“Convening for Action is a provincial initiative that supports innovation on-the-ground. From the perspective of those leading and/or participating in regional programs, having this community-of-interest provides the opportunity to ‘tell our story’ and ‘record our history’ as a work-in-progress,” states Ray Fung. “It will turn ideas into action by building capacity and understanding regarding integration of long-term, strategic planning and the implementation of physical infrastructure.”

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Convening for Action community-of-interest is the home for Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia

“Released in 2004, the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia provides a partnership umbrella for on-the-ground initiatives that build on the foundation provided by A Water Conservation Strategy for British Columbia, published in 1998,” explains Kim Stephens. “The vision was that the strategy would provide a common framework for water management activities throughout the province by advancing water as a valuable resource which must be utilized efficiently, wisely and cost-effectively to sustain a high quality of social, environmental and economic well-being, for now and in the future.”

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Convening for Action in British Columbia: “We are recording our history on as we create it,” says Tim Pringle

“The vision for the website is to provide a resource rich destination location for information about doing business differently in British Columbia. The goal is to achieve water sustainability by changing our land ethic,” states Tim Pringle. “We made a conscious decision to follow an educational path in BC because we realized that changing the way we develop land depends on establishing higher expectations and challenging practitioners to embrace shared responsibility. We branded this as The New Business As Usual. We knew it would take time to change the culture.”

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Companion Website: Rainwater Management Community-of-Interest provides the complete story of the new business as usual

“Stormwater suggests there is a problem, whereas rainwater is a resource. In British Columbia, the single function view of traditional ‘stormwater management’ is giving way to the integrated and comprehensive perspective that is captured by the term ‘RAINwater management’,” explains Ted van der Gulik. “The goal in creating the companion Rainwater Management website was to inform British Columbia local governments and practitioners about case studies and the latest advances in the state-of-the-practice.”

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Companion Website: Green Infrastructure Community-of-Interest promotes ‘designing with nature’

“In promoting infrastructure practices that achieve design with nature outcomes, the Green Infrastructure Partnership has borrowed from the title of the 1969 book by Ian McHarg”, explained Paul Ham. “We are consistent with what McHarg intended in terms of ecological planning and letting the landscape inform development. Four decades later, McHarg”s book continues to be one of the most widely celebrated books on landscape architecture and land-use planning.”

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