

Regulatory Framework for Protecting Watershed Health in the Metro Vancouver Region

“In 2012, an inter-governmental working group with staff from municipalities, Metro Vancouver, and Ministry of Environment was tasked with developing a weight-of-evidence performance measurement approach that would be available to all member municipalities The Adaptive Management Framework is meant to be a ‘living document’, adaptively managed itself, and updated as required to reflect advances in stormwater/rainwater management, monitoring techniques, and to build on the accumulated experience of stakeholders in the Integrated Stormwater Management Plan process,” stated Andjela Knezevic-Stevanovic.

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Settlement, Economy and Ecology in Balance: “What We Want Vancouver Island to Look Like in 50 Years!”

“As our economy diversities, our communities grow, and our population expands, we must find ways of working together so that we will balance the inevitable demands of growth with the equally important issue of protecting our coveted and life-sustaining natural environment. Vancouver Island 2065 is an important step towards increasing awareness as well as inter-regional cooperation,” states George Hanson.

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Inter-Regional Collaboration for Watershed Sustainability: Kim Stephens connects the dots for Metro Vancouver’s Utilities Committee

In October 2013, Kim Stephens was invited by Metro Vancouver’s Utilities Committee to provide the members with a progress update on implementation on inter-regional collaboration as it pertains to watershed-based planning.  “A core group of local government champions representing five geographic regions affirmed that it will function as an inter-regional leadership team; and has framed the ultimate outcome of an inter-regional series of working sessions in these terms: ‘Through sharing and learning, ensure that where we are going is indeed the right way’,” stated Kim Stephens.

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Mission Possible Update: “Economy and Ecology – A Necessary Partnership for Water Sustainability”

“Effective change will be the result of a new form of governance, one that recognizes the collaborative role of business, local government and community that enables the creation of a healthy economy within a sustainable environment. A reliable and sustainable water resource is a critical component of a healthy and progressive economic development strategy,” states Kim Stephens.

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