CAVI-VIEA Panel presents vision for "Vancouver Island 2065" at 2013 Summit

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Vancouver Island 2065

A reliable and sustainable water resource is a critical component of a healthy and progressive economic development strategy. At the 2013 State of the Island Economic Summit, a 3-person panel comprising Eric Bonham, Derek Richmond and Marianne Stolz presented an update on what has been accomplished since the “CAVI Forum within the 2012 Summit” showcased a “Vancouver Island Vision”.

This threesome are members of the CAVI Leadership Team, where CAVI is the acronym for Convening for Action on Vancouver Island. Marianne Stolz represents and is a Director of the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA). Eric Bonham and Derek Richmond represent the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC.

“The panel painted a picture of collaboration and outcome-oriented actions, with a focus on the Comox Valley and its Guide to Water-Wise Land Development in the Comox Valley. Then, they elaborated on how on-the-ground success is a Kim-Stephens_June-2013_120pspringboard to an over-arching vision,” reports Kim Stephens, Panel Moderator and Executive Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC.

“This set the stage for a Town-Hall Sharing & Learning Segment. We challenged the audience to visualize next steps for bringing a vision for “settlement, economy and ecology in balance” to fruition.”

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Panel Storyline

To download the PowerPoint presentation that laid out the storyline for building on inter-regional collaboration to bring the “Vancouver Island Vision” to fruition, click on Mission Possible Update: Economy and Ecology – A Necessary Partnership for Water Sustainability. The presentation is succinct and totals 14 slides.

Links to YouTube Videos:

To capture the moment, a set of five videos are posted on YouTube. To view them, click on the links below:

  • Video #1 (8:58) – first, Kim Stephens sets the scene for the panel session; after which Eric Bonham explains the genesis for CAVI a decade ago.
  • Video #2 (7:17) – Derek Richmond explains how CAVI has brought together five regions as partners in an inter-regional initiative; and then describes principles for success.
  • Video #3 (4:01) – Eric Bonham then elaborates on the importance of getting the water part right.
  • Video #4 (3:51) – Marianne Stolz explains the VIEA and how the working relationship has been fostered since 2010.
  • Video #5 (5:28) – Eric Bonham introduces Rick Kool of Royal Roads University; and Rick Kool then explains how RRU will support the CAVI-VIEA partnership through a research project.


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