INSPIRED BY STEFANO BOERI’S VISION FOR “FOREST CITIES”: Toronto’s Newest Skyscaper Will Be Completely Covered In Trees


Milan-based architect Stefano Boeri is passionate about green infrastructure and demonstrates the art of the possible with his fantastical-looking plant-covered buildings. He is famed for his tree-clad Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) skyscraper complex in Milan, completed in 2014. Vertical Forest is a model for sustainable building design, urban reforestation, and vertical densification of nature within a city.

Building on his Vertical Forest success, Stefano Boeri has a vision for creation of ’forest cities’. This is an ambitious plan. His first project is the Liuzhou Forest City, which is under construction in the mountainous region of Guangxi, China.

Inspired by the Bosco Verticale towers in Milan, home to 11,000 plants that line the sides of the buildings, the City of Toronto will soon have a 27-story “vertical forest”.

The Bosco Verticale (“Vertical Forest”) in Milan has hundreds of trees and more than 2,000 plants embedded into its façade. CREDIT: Courtesy of Luca Nebuloni/Flickr

Toronto’s Version of the Vertical Forest

“Toronto’s newest residential tower will be lined with greenery on its balconies and roofs to provide a new home for Toronto’s eco-friendly residents and fauna,” writes Jordyn Posluns in an article posted on Narcity.

“Toronto’s version of the vertical forest may be standing as early as late 2020, proving that green space is not confined to the ground. When lead architect Brian Brisbin began conceptualizing how to bring the mayor’s vision of increased tree coverage to life, he learned that all of the technology that allowed the Milanese Bosco Verticale to function actually originated in Canada and North America.

“Although covering high rises with trees will not allow metropolitan cities like Toronto to meet its urban canopy goals all on its own, these types of projects undeniably deliver benefits to the surrounding region.”

To Learn More:

To read the complete article, download a copy of Toronto’s Newest Skyscaper Will Be Completely Covered In Trees 

Then read GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE INNOVATION: Architect Stefano Boeri has a vision for “forest cities”

birds-eyes view of Liuzhou Forest City, China. CREDIT: Stefano Boeri Architect