VIDEO: “Last few years have offered cities a sobering climate change wake-up call,” says Jad Daley
Climate-Smart Cities Program
“Imagine if our cities were more like forests. Connected by green pathways for safe movement. Cooled with shade and evapotranspiration. Naturally absorptive of rainfall, turning this resource into drinking water and clean rivers. Protected from storms by the bend of trees and the natural sponge effect of marshes,” writes Jad Daley in an article that describes how the last few years have offered cities a sobering climate change wake-up call.
Adapt to a Changing Climate: 4 Ways to Take Green Cities to the Next Level
Through experience gained from the Climate-Smart Cities Program, the Trust for Public Land has identified four critical success factors necessary to advance complex green infrastructure efforts at multiple scales:
- Build a complete team from the start
- Translate climate science for green infrastructure
- Leverage the power of Geographic Information Systems
- Design resilience across sectors
“This opportunity to ‘connect, cool, absorb and protect’ with green infrastructure is being made real by cities all across America and the world at an accelerating rate,” reports Jad Dayley
About Jad Daley
Jad Daley is the director of The Trust for Public Land’s Climate Conservation Program and holds the endowed position of Martha Wyckoff Fellow. Daley coordinates The Trust for Public Land’s development of climate-smart cities through green infrastructure and strategic “resilient landscape” conservation targeted to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
To Learn More:
To download a copy of the complete article by Jad Daley, click on 4 ways to take green cities to the next level.