Convening for Action Community-of-Interest promotes ‘water-centric’ approach to community planning & development
Context for Convening for Action
The Province’s Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan and Green Communities Initiative provide a framework for convening for action in order to improve the way that land is developed and water is used in British Columbia.
The Convening for Action in British Columbia initiative was formally launched in February 2005 at a Kelowna conference. The Convening for Action vision is that water sustainability in British Columbia will be achieved through implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices.
Convening for Action on Vancouver Island, known by the acronym CAVI, was formally launched in September 2006 in conjunction with the Water in the City Conference. To learn more about CAVI and what it has accomplished, click on these links to the companion Convening for Action Community-of-Interest:
- Vancouver Island – 2006
- Vancouver Island – 2007
- Vancouver Island – 2008
- Vancouver Island – 2009
- Vancouver Island – 2010
The Green Infrastructure Partnership is a member of the CAVI Partnership, and is providing content for the educationally-based CAVI program.
Posted December 2009