Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia posts PowerPoint presentations for "2014 Managing Water Workshop"
A Powerhouse Team
“The workshop program comprised four modules that were cascading – from high-level visioning to ground-level applications in irrigation design and implementation. Adaptation to a changing climate was a unifying theme. Both the urban and agricultural perspectives were represented,” states Ted van der Gulik, Partnership President and a member of the Module C presentation team.
“Water is a form maker. It defines communities. Furthermore, the consequences of water-centric decisions ripple through time. Hence, the workshop was an opportunity to share and learn about ‘VI 2065: The Vision for Vancouver Island in 50 Years’. In addition, it was an opportunity to learn about tools that can bring the vision to fruition over time.”
Two Worlds
“We brought together folks from two worlds: local government and irrigation practitioners,” continues Kim Stephens, Partnership Executive Director. “We had a powerhouse team and the program was high-energy. Presentations were dynamic. It made a difference that team members are leaders by example; and everyone is passionate about what they do. The collective enthusiasm of the presentation team energized those who attended the workshop in Victoria. It was a memorable day.”
Outdoor Irrigation
“Upon reflection, the program really was a unique blend of presentations and perspectives,” adds Peter, Partnership Membership Chair. “Our collaboration with the Irrigation Industry Association paid dividends and opened eyes. Participants from local government were exposed to a practical side of water use in the urban environment. It gave them an appreciation of the impact on municipal, potentially either good or bad, depending on whether outdoor irrigation systems are well-constructed or poorly constructed.”
To Download the Complete Set of PowerPoint Presentations:
Click on the links below to download PDF copies of the presentation slides for Modules A through D.
Module A: VI 2065: The Vision for Vancouver Island in 50 Years (3.2 MB pdf)
Module B: Water and the Urban Environment – Adapting to a Changing Climate (13.0 MB pdf)
Module C: Agriculture and Water – How Will Climate Change Impact the Future? (10.4 MB pdf)
Module D: Landscape Irrigation – How Efficiency Can Be Improved (5.0 MB pdf)

Angus McAllister, pollster and researcher, engaged the audience with a web application named SaysZu. This allowed the audience to text key words in response to questions from Angus.

Richard Boase (District of North Vancouver) introduced the audience to two web-based tools: the District’s “GEOweb Open Data Portal”; and the “Water Balance Model Express for Landowners”

David Hislop (City of Surrey) regaled the audience with an entertaining presentation on green infrastructure practices

David Pfortmueller used photos to illustrate the need for good planning and application of tools schedule irrigation properly

Mark Robbins has farmed for 30 years. He elaborated on the potential and constraints for irrigating additional land to achieve food security

Greg Bartle (Ministry of Agriculture) explained how Agricultural Land Use Inventory data facilitates local government planning

Ted van der Gulik explained how the Agriculture Water Demand Model will help local governments make informed decisions

Chris LeConte elaborated on state-of-the-art tools that are being developed to help assess and improve the performance of landscape irrigation systems