From Rain to Resource: Okanagan Basin Water Board releases report on ‘Managing Stormwater in a Changing Climate’


From rain to resource: report cover (475p)


Rain to Resource Workshop Showcased ‘Beyond the Guidebook 2010’

In February 2011, the Okanagan Basin Water Board released a report that summarizes a comprehensive set of recommendations that came out of the From Rain to Resource: Managing Stormwater in a Changing Climate workshop. The report also provides an overview of the topics and case studies that were presented. To download a copy, click here.


Convening for Action in British Columbia

The majority of the workshop presentations were delivered by members of the “convening for action” partnership network, and were about case studies that are featured in Beyond the Guidebook 2010: Implementing a New Culture for Urban Watershed Protection and Restoration in British Columbia, in particular:

  • the experiences of these ‘convening for action’ partners: City of Surrey, District of North Vancouver, City of Courtenay, Capital Regional District, Metro Vancouver; and
  • these tools and resources: the Water Balance Model, the Topsoil Primer Set.

Kim stephens - 2010 (120p)Beyond the Guidebook 2010 provides local governments with ‘how to’ guidance for developing outcome-oriented urban watershed plans,” reports Kim Stephens, Executive Director of the  Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia and editor of Beyond the Guidebook 2010.


To Learn More:

To read the complete article posted on the Convening for Action Community-of-Interest, click on From Rain to Resource: Okanagan Basin Water Board releases report on ‘Managing Stormwater in a Changing Climate’


May 2011