
Regional Events

WHAT HAPPENS ON THE LAND DOES MATTER! – “Slow, sink and spread rainwater runoff to mimic the water balance,” stated UBC’s Julie Wilson at a workshop organized by the North Shore Streamkeepers (March 2017)

“My goal is for us to think about how water moves through the landscape, as it falls as precipitation and is altered by the urban environment, and then understand how can we can go about mimicking the natural water balance,” stated Julie Wilson. “I have used the Water Balance Express for a few years in the courses that I teach. The reception that I get is overwhelmingly positive. Students really love using the Water Balance Express because it is fun and user friendly.”

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FLASHBACK TO 2008: “Water Balance Model powered by QUALHYMO” launched at inter-regional Water Balance Partners Forum hosted by North Vancouver District (Feb 2008)

“A key message is the speed with which scenario analyses and comparisons can now be completed,” stated Jim Dumont. “What previously took weeks can now be done in hours. The significant benefit of the ‘new Water Balance Model’ is the resulting emphasis on strategy and alternative implementation methodologies. The QUALHYMO model is the proven hydrologic calculation engine that will provide consistent delivery of reliable results.”

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FLASHBACK TO 2008: Case study applications of Water Balance Model showcased at capacity-building forum hosted by Cowichan Valley Regional District (Oct 2008)

“The case study applications built a common understanding of how to achieve runoff-based performance targets for rainwater management and green infrastructure,” stated Rob Conway. “What is unique about our approach is the educational context. Willing owners/developers and their planning/design consultants volunteered to develop and share the case studies. It truly is a collaborative effort.”

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INSPIRING INNOVATION: “If British Columbia can do it, then there is no reason why we can’t do it too!,” stated Karenne Jurd, City of Newcastle (Australia), when reflecting on keynote addresses by Kim Stephens in 2001 and 2016

“In reflecting on our 2001 three day capacity building course in Newcastle, it did more than just build my capacity as a strategic natural resource planner. It fuelled my enthusiasm as an agent of change in our own 15 year journey in urban water cycle management,” stated Karenne Jurd. “The window into BC water management he opened showed us ‘what was possible’. It was a seminal moment in time.”

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“Beyond the Guidebook Initiative” unveiled at 2007 Water Balance Model Partners Forum hosted by Metro Vancouver

Surrey’s Fergus Creek Watershed Plan is the pilot for Beyond the Guidebook. The plan is based entirely on implementing ‘green solutions’ as an alternative to conventional engineered ‘blue solutions’. “The Fergus plan demonstrates how to protect stream health in the urban environment”, noted David Hislop. “In addition to rainwater capture on individual lots, the strategy for replicating natural infiltration processes includes creation of contiguous large-scale green corridors through the watershed.”

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Flashback to 2008 Gaining Ground Forum: Keynote address by Deputy Minister announced projects and tools under the provincial “Beyond the Guidebook Initiative”

“We are using the slogan The New Business As Usual to convey the message that, for change to really occur, practices that until now have been viewed as the exception must become the norm moving forward. We have to build regulatory models and develop models of practice and expertise,” stated Dale Wall, Deputy Minister. “The shared vision is to move toward water sustainability by implementing green infrastructure policies and practices. This is a multi-year commitment by the funding agencies.”

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FLASHBACK TO 2007: “Beyond the Guidebook Seminar” introduced an APEGBC audience to resources and successes for protecting stream health in British Columbia

“The Stormwater Guidebook set in motion a chain of outcomes that has resulted in BC being recognized internationally as a leader in implementing a natural systems approach to rainwater management in the urban environment,” stated Minister of Environment Barry Penner in 2007. “The Convening for Action initiative creates an opportunity to move beyond rainwater management to embrace all components of the water cycle through integrated water management.”

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VIDEO: Partnership for Water Sustainability’s Ted van der Gulik illustrated application of “Agricultural Water Demand Model for BC” for food security planning at 2015 Feast AND Famine Workshop

“Demand for water will only increase as summers get longer, hotter and drier. BC needs 215,000 hectares of irrigated agriculture to feed our current population. With careful planning, the ~28,000 irrigated hectares in the Lower Mainland could be increased to 69,000 hectares at buildout,” stated Ted van der Gulik. These agricultural lands are located approximately half and half in the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley regional districts.

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Capture Rain Where It Falls: Ted van der Gulik and Jim Dumont explained Performance Targets in the context of paradigm-shifts at the 2007 Water Balance Model Partners Forum

“In 2002, British Columbia’s Stormwater Guidebook facilitated a paradigm-shift in the state-of-the-practice because it demonstrated that rainfall capture was achievable. The next paradigm-shift in the state-of-the-practice will revolve around the way we relate runoff volume management to stream erosion and water quality. Volume is something that local government has control over, and it is measurable,” stated Ted van der Gulik.

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A Perspective on Leading Change: “Bring the right people together at the right time,” stated Environment Canada’s Laura Maclean at 2007 Water Balance Model Partners Forum

“The experience of the Greater Vancouver region shows how important it is to build a network that can make things happen. Looking back, much of what we have collectively accomplished in recent years in the field of rainwater management can be traced back to relationships,” stated Laura Maclean. “We now see a comparable relationship-building process taking shape on Vancouver Island.”

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