DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCE:  Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate: Convening for Action at the 2018 Nanaimo Water Symposium – Sharing & Learning from Collaboration Success Stories (April 2018)

Note to Reader:

During the period January through March 2018, the Nanaimo Water Symposium Organizing Committee published a series of e-Newsletters that foreshadowed the scope of the material that would be covered at the Symposium. The Symposium program encompasses watershed stewardship, the water balance and restorative development. These e-Newsletters have been consolidated and synthesized to create a seamless storyline that serves as a legacy document for the Symposium.

Download a copy of Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate: Convening for Action at the 2018 Nanaimo Water Symposium

The Hard Work of Hope: Sharing & Learning from Collaboration Success Stories

“The rhythms of water are changing in British Columbia – winters are wetter and warmer; summers are longer and drier. In short, the water cycle is out of balance. Why is this? The answer is that warming of the planet’s atmosphere is causing water to move more quickly and disruptively through the global water cycle. Local consequences are magnified,” explains Bob Sandford. renowned author and EPCOR Chair for Water & Climate Security at the United Nations University.

The Organizing Committee invited Bob Sandford to set the tone for the symposium at a public lecture on the evening before. His inspirational message is a call to action.

“Recently identified and potentially dangerous phenomena, such as atmospheric rivers, demand our full attention. An atmospheric river is a narrow corridor of concentrated water vapour aloft.

“These great rivers can be 400 kilometers across and thousands of kilometers long. The best known is the famous “Pineapple Express” which unloads heavy rain when it hits the west coast of North America.

“The impact of the Pineapple Express is magnified because 7% additional water volume is conveyed by atmospheric rivers for each degree of global temperature rise!”

Community Empowerment & Sustainable Partnerships with Local Government

The panel and town-hall segment is the program heart for the Nanaimo Water Symposium. Panel reflections on project experience set the scene for town-hall interaction. The over-arching theme is: collaboration is necessary for restorative development; and a ‘design with nature’ land and water ethic is key to ‘getting it right’ over time.

Success stories resulting from local government and stewardship sector collaboration are showcased. To inspire tangible and lasting action after the symposium, panel members paint a picture of what collaboration must look like in practice to truly achieve the vision for restorative development.

“Two decades, and in partnership with the City of Nanaimo, NALT launched Project 2000 to catalyze neighbourhood stewardship of city waterways. NALT held many community meetings to grow awareness of what living in a watershed means. Nowadays, groups come to NALT to tell us about their stewardship activities and to seek ways to expand those activities. We are working together to grow our network and activities across the region,” stated Paul Chapman, Acting Executive Director, Nanaimo & Area Land Trust (NALT).

To Learn More:

To read the complete story, download a copy of Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate: Convening for Action at the 2018 Nanaimo Water Symposium