The story of the Water Sustainability Action Plan as told at the 2009 Resilient Cities Conference: Align vision, education and tools
The British Columbia Experience
“There is growing national and international interest in the British Columbia experience and our lessons learned in moving from talk to action in implementing green infrastructure practices that lead to water sustainability,” explains Kim Stephens, Program Coordinator for the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia.
“We were asked to tell our story at Resilient Cities: Urban Strategies for Transition Times in October 2009. We told it in three parts: vision, education and tools.”
“On Vancouver Island we are demonstrating how to set the vision based upon community values, support the vision with information and education via the Water Bucket website, and apply a suite of web-based water management tools to make better decisions.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete story, click on Water Sustainability Committee links vision, education and tools in telling its story at 2009 Resilient Cities Conference.
Posted November 2009