Water, Water Everywhere…..
Rainwater Harvesting 2005: Across-Canada Workshop Series on Thinking Outside the Pipe
The Vancouver Workshop was filled to capacity. Attendance was capped at 90 when registrations surged in the days beforehand. Those who were turned away from the Vancouver event were urged to attend the Victoria event, where another 60 registered.
The Vancouver and Victoria workshops were part of a series of cross-Canada events sponsored by Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation (CMHC). Workshops were also held in Calgary (Alberta), Toronto (Ontario), Sherbrooke (Quebec) and Halifax (Nova Scotia).
The program for the Rainwater Harvesting Workshop in Vancouver was built around Dr. Peter Coombes of the University of Newcastle in Australia. The program for the 2005 Rainwater Harvesting Workshop in Victoria was built around Klaus Koenig, German architect and consulting engineer.
To Learn More:
To view the programs for those events, click on these links: Calgary, Toronto and Halifax.
To read about the Vancouver and Victoria events, click on 2005 Rainwater Harvesting Workshop Series.