Prince George workshop in 2003 showcased City’s approach to Stormwater Management




In the second quarter of 2003, the Province of British Columbia and Environment Canada co-sponsored a set of three workshops titled Tools for Liquid Waste Management Planning at the Local Government Level. The BC Water & Waste Association provided organizational support in order to hold workshops in three regions: Penticton in the Okanagan, Prince George in the Central Interior, and Cumberland on Vancouver Island.

At the Prince George workshop, the City’s David Dyer provided a case study application to supplement cascading presentations by Laura Maclean and Kim Stephens on the Stormwater Planning Guidebook and Water Balance Model, respectively. David Dyer is the Chief Engineer, Planning and Development. To download a copy of the workshop agenda,  click here.

In his presentation, he stated that stormwater management is a high priority for the City of Prince George due to a combination of factors. In order of relevative importance, these are: the direction provided in the City’s new Officianl Community Plan; the seasonal nature of existing drainage problems; fisheries and polliution concerns related to environmental impact; and recreational aspects of ‘quality of life’.


To Learn More:

To download a copy of the presentation by Dave Dyer, click on Stormwater Management in Prince George.