
Rainwater Capture: Design

Performance Targets for Rainwater Management

Stormwater Guidebook (200pixels)
“Stormwater Planning: A Guidebook for British Columbia” formalized a science-based understanding to set performance targets for reducing rainwater runoff volumes and rates.

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Water-sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) – Adapting the Australian Experience

“Water-sensitive Urban Design” (WSUD) is a term used in Australia to describe sustainable water cycle management in the urban landscape. To assist practitioners in designing rainwater source control measures, A Handbook for Australian Practice was published in 2005. The Handbook is a compilation of proven approaches that are aimed at solving everyday problems of small-scale rainwater management.

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Water Balance Model insights inform New Zealand delegation

“The key is what we do at the site scale because our actions over time can either have cumulative impacts or cumulative benefits. Drawing on the District’s GIS resources, I was able to identify representative properties from different eras – 50 years ago and today – to illustrate how the current approach to site development results in dramatically greater volumes of surface volume,” stated Richard Boase.

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