OP-ED: On Sharing a Vision for “Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management” – a statement of collaboration by Kim Stephens & Wally Wells (June 2016)
Note to Reader:
The Summer 2016 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter includes an Op-Ed co-authored by Kim Stephens and Wally Wells. The article elaborates on the collaboration by Partnership for Water Sustainability and Asset Management BC to champion standards of practice that will create a water-resilient future. The branding for this desired outcome is Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management.
On Starting a Conversation
about a New Approach
“The Comox Valley was our pilot region for exploring a new way of thinking about municipal infrastructure. In designing a seminar series in spring 2011 that was open to all local governments on Vancouver Island, the four Comox Valley local governments arrived at this consensus: All those involved in land development have a role to play in achieving Sustainable Service Delivery. The players include land use and infrastructure professionals,” wrote the authors.
To Learn More:
Download OP-ED: On Sharing a Vision for “Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management” to read, in its entirety, the article co-authored by Kim Stephens and Wally Wells. An excerpt is presented below.
Asset Management Continuum for
Sustainable Service Delivery
“Fast forward to 2016. Over the years, the BC approach to asset management has learned from and built upon Australian experience, and has now gone to another level with our evolution to sustainable service delivery. BC’s ability to achieve this bold leap was made possible by the close collaboration between Asset Management BC and the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia.”
“Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: A Framework for BC is indeed a game-changer. Because it is strategically aligned with the province’s capital grants programs, the BC Framework is now transforming how local governments view asset management. This includes fostering an awareness at all levels of local government that watershed systems are also infrastructure assets, and therefore need to be protected and managed in the same way that engineered assets are managed.”
“The Partnership for Water Sustainability is the champion for Step Three as described in the graphic below. This illustrates the journey as understanding grows and local governments progress towards a water-resilient future. Making better decisions starts with an understanding of how to mimic the natural Water Balance through a blend of engineered assets and natural services.”