Across Canada Workshop Series on Resilient Rainwater Management: Final Program released by BC's Partnership for Water Sustainability


Note to Reader:

Starting on October 23 and ending on November 3, the 5-city 2014 Across Canada Workshop Series on Resilient Rainwater Management will feature workshop events in Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax. Practitioners will have an opportunity to learn about cost-effective tools developed in BC for climate adaptation and watershed health.

To download a copy of the Final Draft of the program, click on Resilient Rainwater Management: Across Canada Workshop Series on Adapting to a Changing Climate.

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Resilient Rainwater Management

The Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia is responsible for developing and delivering the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, and is the hub for a “convening for action” network in the local government setting.

The Partnership has released the Final Draft of the program for an Across Canada Workshop Series on Resilient Rainwater Management. The series is made possible by funding from the Intact Financial Corporation. The series is an initiative under the umbrella of the Climate Change Adaptation Program (CCAP) at the University of Waterloo. The 5-city series will be delivered during the period October 23 through November 3, 2014.

1_Blair Feltmate_120p“The Across Canada Workshop Series will be an opportunity for water resource and infrastructure practitioners to learn about British Columbia’s collaborative and science-based approach to protecting and restoring watershed health,” states Dr. Blair Feltmate, CCAP Chair. “The series meets the project’s mandate to showcase viable and cost-effective adaptation solutions that ultimately will be replicated in communities across the country.”

Showcasing BC’s Watershed-Based Approach

The series theme is Resilient Rainwater Management: Across Canada Workshop Series on Adapting to a Changing Climate. The program for each workshop is structured as four modules.

2Kim-Stephens_June-2013_120p“We have a comprehensive story to tell about our two-decade long journey in BC, and the University of Waterloo’s Climate Change Adaptation Project has made the Across Canada Workshop Series possible,” states Kim Stephens, Partnership Executive Director. “In telling our story, our plan is to frame it in a way that helps each of our five host partners advance their local goals and initiatives. The road show is an opportunity for all of us to share and learn from each other.”

Sharing & Learning

“Our story is about what it means for a group of people to share a vision and make a long-term personal and professional commitment to creating a better future in the regions of BC. We challenge our audiences by asking ‘What do you want this place to look like in 50 years’ because the decisions that we make today will ripple through time,” continues Kim Stephens.

“Our experience covers the continuum from developing provincial policy and tools to implementing actions on the ground. Our strength is founded on a science-based approach that has enabled us to transcend rhetoric and demonstrate the cumulative benefits of changes in practice on the ground.”

“At the end of the day, the main purpose of the national series is to showcase the web-based Water Balance Model Express for Landowners because that is what excited the CCAP team at the University of Waterloo. They see its potential application as a climate change adaptation tool.”

“Equally important from our perspective, the series also provides an opportunity for relationship-building that will create a national network of rainwater management champions,” concludes Kim Stephens.

Draft Program

“The structure for the workshop program has evolved from discussions with our across Canada partners, and comprises four modules for knowledge-sharing, In the Draft Ted-van-der-Gulik_Jan-2013_v5_120pProgram, we have identified a SCOPE, which serves as an abstract; and an EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE – that is, the learning outcome,” continues Ted van der Gulik, Partnership President and previously the Senior Engineer in the BC Ministry of Agriculture. During his career with government, Ted had a leadership role in provincial water initiatives.

“In Module 1, the local partner provides the core content. Their objective is to establish relevance for their target audience. They are providing the bridge into Modules 2 and 3 where we provide our core content.”

Mimic-Water Balance_Feb-2014“The key words that capture the essence of Module 2 and Module 3 are ‘developing’ and ‘implementing’, respectively. The unifying theme is Mimic the Water Balance. A key message is this – if we get the hydrology right, water quality will typically take care of itself.”

“Module 4 is where we close the loop in terms of meeting expectations established in Module 1. This will be an interactive segment. We achieve this by asking participants to share their Ah-Ha Moments. Our approach is to ‘work the audience’ so that the room is energized and the day finishes on a high note,” concludes Ted van der Gulik.

To Learn More:

To download a copy of the Final Draft of the program, click on Resilient Rainwater Management: Across Canada Workshop Series on Adapting to a Changing Climate. Also, click on the image below.

The Draft Program elaborates on each of the four modules, presents the bios for the 3-person BC presentation team, and explains what “Watershed Health Goal” means in BC.

Across Canada Workshop Series_program package_Aug2014_FINAL DRAFT