
Program & Registration

DOWNLOAD: “Changing the way we do business” in urban watersheds requires that local governments partner with the stewardship sector to “get it right” (synopsis document released at the Nanaimo Water Symposium, April 2018)

Anecdotal evidence suggests a groundswell of heightened awareness of the watershed context for ‘the creek that flows through my backyard’. “Within our growing urban areas, as our community becomes more diverse, being able to reconnect through nature offers the chance to reconnect with each other. By working to restore our urban watercourses, new and old neighbours are building connections between our natural spaces that will lead to a stronger sense of stewardship in future,” stated Rob Lawrance.

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DOWNLOAD PROGRAM HERE for “Convening for Action in Nanaimo” at a 2-day water stewardship flagship event (April 11-12, 2018): Field Trip, Public Lecture & Symposium

“Communication, cooperation, coordination and collaboration – have you thought about the power of the 4Cs? When all four are in play, good things happen,” states Derek Richmond. “Are you also aware of the beneficial outcomes that are flowing from collaboration between local government and the stewardship sector in the Nanaimo region? A groundswell of heightened awareness is translating into involvement and empowerment to make a difference. Join us on April 11-12 to learn more.”

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A Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate (April 11-12, 2018): “The Organizing Committee structured the Nanaimo Water Symposium as three modules to provide the audience with a mind-map,” stated John Finnie, Chair

“The program is structured as three modules to enable the audience to have an informed conversation,” stated John Finnie. “Context is everything. Hence, two co-keynote presentations in Module A will set the context and prime participants for a town-hall sharing and learning session in Module B about restorative development. In the afternoon, a set of four reflective presentations will introduce building blocks for achieving Sustainable Watershed Systems.”

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REGISTER HERE for Nanaimo Water Symposium on Watershed Stewardship in a Changing Environment (April 11-12, 2018)

The role of the stewardship sector in the Nanaimo region has been evolving over the past two decades. Beginning in 1997, Gail Adrienne led Project 2000, which jump-started stewardship activities and projects in the Nanaimo region. Looking ahead, Gail sees the current resurgence of community interest in caring for waterways as key to making a difference in restoring naturally functioning watersheds over time. “On April 11-12, 2018, join us in Nanaimo for a symposium on watershed stewardship, the water balance and restorative development,” she states.

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