Volume-Based Hydrology explained by Andy Reese



Volume-Based hydrology explained by andy reese (475p)


Examining the shift in focus from peak flows and pollution treatment to mimicking pre-development volume

Andy Reese, writing in the September 2009 issue of Stormwater Magazine, states that “every 20 years or so, urban stormwater practitioners seem to stop and take stock of how we are doing”. He explains that:

  • Sixty years ago, we figured that efficient drainage was the way to do things, using separate stormwater systems of pipes.
  • Forty years ago, we figured out that efficient drainage was causing flooding problems and switched to a detention design standard.
  • Twenty years ago, we found that detention ponds were failing for a number of reasons and switched to a more comprehensive master planning approach.

“We are now facing another sea change in thinking that is reaching ‘pandemic’ proportions,” observes Andy Reese. “Recent discussion by stormwater opinion leaders is now pointing to a convergence on what we will call volume-based hydrology (VBH) and movement away from the peak-flow-based version.”

“For various and often good reasons, there is a growing awareness of the need to handle stormwater and runoff with more focus on volume as a basis for design and decision making. It is making its way into America’s midsection and widely into the minds of regulators—federal, state, and local.”

“The shift toward VBH is a good thing, and making the shift carefully and gracefully will help ensure its long-term effectiveness,” concludes Andy Reese. His references include Stormwater Planning: A Guidebook for British Columbia.


Related Articles by Andy Reese

Voodoo Hydrology explained by Andy Reese – Magical practice considered to be a form of black magic but also considered a religion to some, August 2006 

Do you know where you really are in the shifting paradigms of stormwater management? –  Article by Andy Reese examines how our ideas about stormwater have changed over time, August 2008 



Stormwater magazine - september 2009 coverBefore STORMWATER, The Journal for Surface Water Quality Professionals, there was no single publication written specifically for  the professional involved with surface water quality issues, protection, projects, and programs. To download a copy of the Andy Reese article, click on this link to Volume-Based Hydrology.


Posted August 2009