Vancouver Sun publishes 10-part series on “Water: Life blood of BC” – part 1 assesses whether water is an export commodity?
Note to Reader:
Climate change threatens to make this summer’s drought look minor. In September 2015, the Vancouver Sun newspaper is publishing a 10-part series of articles about “Water: Life blood of BC”. The series theme is how BC uses water and what the future has in store for our waterways. Published on September 12, the first installment looks at the water export question.
Water, An Export Commodity?
In the first installment, writer Peter O’Neil concludes that the cost of moving bulk water to the United States is prohibitive, and that’s not counting the political and legal hurdles. He quotes Chris Wood, author of Dry Spring: The Coming Water Crisis of North America as follows:
“The places that need water and the places in Canada that have water are so far apart that it is unfeasible in any real world that we occupy in this century to get it from one place to the other at a price in money and politics that is payable.”
Atlanta’s drought, California’s fires, Mexico’s flood, Canada’s weird winters year after year… Dry Spring connects the dots in a lively way between the headlines, the climate science and the forecast for tomorrow and the day after. Dry Spring spells out the weather forecast for North America and the urgent reasons to begin preparing for the storm just over the horizon.
To Learn More:
To read the first installment in the 10-part series, click on When California looks like this, will they come for our water?
To read two previous articles posted in 2008 about Dry Spring, visit the Climate Change Adaptation dropdown on the Water-Centric Planning community-of-interest.
Impact and Implications of 2015 Drought: Following successive Stage 2 and Stage 3 announcements in Metro Vancouver, CBC Radio and Global TV interviewed Kim Stephens, Executive Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC, about short-term and long-term considerations for water conservation. For the complete story, click on Longer, Drier, Hotter Summers: “2015 will be THE teachable year,” stated Kim Stephens in media interviews about the long-term impact of drought conditions in Southwest British Columbia