

LIVING WATER SMART: Shared Responsibility Underpins a Regional Team Approach to Creating Our Future in British Columbia – “By choosing to live water smart, communities will be more prepared for climate change and their quality of life will be enhanced. If we can show how to get the water part right, then other parts are more likely to follow,” stated Lynn Kriwoken (2009)

“At the end of the day, planners and engineers and other disciplines must come together to determine the issues and solutions,” stated Lynn Kriwoken. “This is why we constantly emphasize that Living Water Smart is about motivating and inspiring everyone to embrace shared responsibility. Influencing behaviour and attitudes is at the heart of moving from awareness to action.”

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New EPA Report Highlights Threats to America’s Lakes

Draft National Lakes Assessment Report – Dec 2009 (360p)
Implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices is a key strategy for increasing groundwater recharge, improving water quality, reducing flooding, preserving habitat, and protecting lake quality.

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Living Water Smart launched blog to connect those interested in BC’s water future (December 2009)

“A key commitment in the plan is to modernize our water laws to improve the protection of ecological values, provide for more community involvement, and provide incentives to be water efficient. We will be using a new Living Water Smart Blog to encourage water stewardship in BC, share the ideas and stories of those who are interested in BC’s water future, and celebrate our water smart successes. The Blog will also be used to support dialogue on modernizing the Water Act and will complement a public discussion paper and a series of regional meetings to be announced early in 2010,” stated John Slater.

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