Preparing for Climate Change: Securing BC’s Future
Regional Adaptation Collaborative
A $6.9-million collaborative adaptation program will help B.C. communities deal with the impacts of climate change on water use, forest and watershed management, flood protection and community planning.
In January 2010, the Honourable Stockwell Day, President of the Treasury Board and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, announced a Regional Adaptation Collaborative led by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Fraser Basin Council.
The new initiative, entitled Preparing for Climate Change: Securing B.C.’s Water Future, is coordinated by the non-profit Fraser Basin Council and the B.C. Ministry of Environment. Natural Resources Canada is providing $3.3 million of the $6.9 million, which includes contributions from 18 partners in provincial ministries, local governments, First Nations and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and academia.
Funded Activities
Activities will include risk assessments, economic analysis, knowledge transfer, consultation and the integration of adaptation measures into planning and decision-making processes.
“The RAC program is funding implementation of our 3-year program for expanding the capabilities of the Water Balance Model for Canada,” reports Ted van der Gulik, Chair of the Inter-Provincial Partnership that released a blueprint document titled Water Balance Model for Canada – The Plan for the Future in November 2009.
To Learn More:
To read the inter-governmental announcement, click on Governments of Canada and B.C. and Fraser Basin Council Helping Communities Address Climate Change.
To read a media backgrounder, click on British Columbia Regional Adaptation Collaborative: Preparing for Climate Change: Securing BC’s Water Future.
Posted August 2010