

LEADERS BY EXAMPLE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA: In this final Waterbucket News story for 2019, Kim Stephens provides a ‘A Look Ahead’ and foreshadows ‘What to Expect in 2020’

“Looking ahead to next year, our readers can anticipate more stories about champions who are leading change in the local government and stewardship sectors in British Columbia, with a shared goal of improving where we live. When all the players set their sights on the common good, collaboration is a powerful force,” stated Kim Stephens. “In 2020, the Partnership will also continue to periodically tap our international network of contacts to connect the dots to developments of relevance to a whole-system, water balance approach that reconnects hydrology and ecology.”

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Building Rain Gardens in the Climate Emergency Era

“One rain garden does not seem like much in the face of so much road water runoff that is sending containments into our salmon bearing streams and rivers, but scaled up, green infrastructure like rain gardens capture and filter large volumes of runoff, thereby reducing flow and pollutants and better protecting species. These green approaches are also more cost effective than replacing municipal storm water infrastructure and provide opportunities for community interaction,” stated Joanna Ashworth.

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Comox Valley on Vancouver Island: Incubator Region for Collaboration Precedents (#2 in a series)

“The Comox Valley conservation and stewardship (ENGO) sector operates in a space outside of government and industry that is firmly rooted in the social fabric of the community and is deeply connected to the land and waters of the Comox Valley through ‘boots on the ground’ experience,” stated David Stapley. “The Comox Valley experience highlights a coordinated approach by the ENGO sector under the umbrella of the Comox Valley Conservation Partnership (CVCP) that brings together over 20 local ENGO and ratepayers associations into one common forum.”

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“Views of the Salish Sea” – book by Howard Macdonald Stewart is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the future of British Columbia

“It is not mere coincidence that two-thirds of the population of British Columbia occupies lands bordering its great inland sea, the Strait of Georgia, and connected waterways collectively known as the North Salish Sea,” wrote Howard Macdonald Stewart. “If this precious sea is to be passed to future generations with any semblance of its inherent richness and diversity intact, then it will need to be effectively managed and vigorously defended. The first step is to understand the complex story of the region.”

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Comox Valley on Vancouver Island: Incubator Region for Collaboration Precedents (#1 in a series)

“Our model as a conservation partnership is very unique in British Columbia,” states Tim Ennis, Executive Director, Comox Valley Conservation Partnership. “There are at least six other conservation partnerships, but to the best of my knowledge we are the only one that focuses on local government. The Comox Valley Conservation Partnership brings together 23 different local groups and associations in one common forum to work proactively with local governments.”

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NEW REPORT > ‘Tapped Out’ Sounds Alarm about British Columbia’s Looming Water Crisis

“Many people believe that B.C. has limitless water supplies. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. All over the province, communities are already experiencing water shortages, and low water levels in many rivers threaten the survival of salmon. I began this project about a year ago, and my mission was to find a way to demonstrate how B.C. does not have the abundant water that many people think it does. Unfortunately, BC has very poor information about how much water we have and how much we use,” stated Tanis Gower.

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Planting 1 Billion Hectares of Forest Could Help Check Global Warming

“Everyone is asking the ultimate question: what form will climate change take over the rest of this century, and how can we manage or conserve natural ecosystems to minimize these effects. If we understand how ecological processes are linked to the climate, we can also discover how to combat climate change through specific types of land use, for instance,” stated Thomas Crowther. “Worldwide reforestation could ultimately capture two thirds of human-made carbon emissions.”

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NEW GUIDANCE DOCUMENT: Primer on Integrating Natural Assets into Asset Management (BC Framework Series)

“Asset management is a process for sustainable service delivery. The BC Framework is designed as a wheel as there is a beginning but no end to the process. The role of natural assets in our communities is not well understood. As the Primer shows, significant work has been done on the integration of natural assets into the overall asset management program,” states Wally Wells. The Primer builds on the foundations established by EAP, the Ecological Accounting Process, and the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative.

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Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate: Vancouver Island Symposia Series

Close to 200 delegates came from far and wide to participate in the Parksville 2019 Symposium, the second in the symposia series. “Thank you so much for the immense amount of work you do to educate our community, and to protect and restore ecosystem services. The Vancouver Island Symposium on Water Stewardship was inspiring and informative, I left the conference feeling hopeful,” stated Councillor Laura Dupont, City of Port Coquitlam.

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CARING FOR TOMORROW: “Touching the past can connect us to the future, especially when we look back fondly,” says Stanford University’s Jamil Zaki

“Empathy evolved as one of humans’ vital survival skills. It is only through our foray into the modern world that we have lost touch with our evolutionary empathy,” states Jamil Zaki. “Deeply empathic people tend to be environmentally responsible, but our caring instincts are short-sighted and dissolve across space and time, making it harder for us to deal with things that haven’t happened yet. Gratitude toward the past might empower us to help those who come after — a kind of golden rule across time.”

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