Leading in tough times—How can science help keep Salish Sea protection and recovery a priority during challenging economic times?
Settlement, Economy and Ecology in Balance
The Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference is the largest, most comprehensive scientific research and policy conference in the Georgia Basin – Puget Sound bio-region. Co-hosted by Environment Canada and the Puget Sound Partnership, the 2011 conference presents the latest scientific information on the state of the ecosystem.
The opening Plenary includes a Local Government Panel from Canada and the United States that will share their perspectives on the role of local governments in protecting and restoring the Salish Sea ecosystem, including the relationship between economic development, growth and ecosystem recovery, and the role of science and data in the decision-making process.
“In West Vancouver our citizens, particularly through the Shoreline Preservation Society and West Van Streamkeepers, have been the critical link between science and local government action, in the protection of our creeks, intertidal zone and coastal waters,” states Mayor Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, District of West Vancouver, in providing a perspective on her participation in the panel session.
The Plenary will be followed by a session titled Mission Possible: Implementing a New Culture for Urban Watershed Protection and Restoration in the Salish Sea Bio-Region. Organized by the Partnership for Water Sustainability, the Mission Possible session is about a new form of governance that is taking root in British Columbia.
TO LEARN MORE: To access the Mission Possible ‘homepage’ on the Water Bucket website and read the complete story and more, click here.