

    BC Rural Network launches website

    The primary purpose of the BC Rural Network’s (BCRN) website, is to provide information to organizations that serve a rural constituency, and to members of the public who want to know about BCRN's activities and issues of importance to rural and remote communities.

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    Peachland bailiff gathers info and enforces restrictions

    A water bailiff was hired for the summer of 2005 to help enforce Peachland’s watering restrictions, and to gain a better understanding of how water is used by both residents and growers. This will help the district make sound water management decisions now and in the future.

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    SEKID: Performance Measurement in the Agricultural Sector

    A directed studies project initiated in January 2004 set out to investigate performance measurement of water conservation programs in B.C. and other jurisdictions. One case study of note involves the South East Kelowna Irrigation District (SEKID), where 85 percent of the water supply is used to irrigate crops. Metering these agricultural connections has not only reduced water demand, but has also made it possible to verify actual water requirements, both for individual landowners and for the district as a whole.

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    Analysis of Agricultural Water Supply Issues

    The National Water Supply Expansion Program is a four-year $60 million Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada investment in secure water supplies for agriculture. The intent of the program is to improve the capacity of agricultural producers to deal with drought and other agriculturally related water supply constraints through the development and expansion on water supply systems on a cost-shared basis.

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