2004 BC Water Conservation Survey
An online survey of water utilities in British Columbia to determine water conservation policies, practices, and projects.
An online survey of water utilities in British Columbia to determine water conservation policies, practices, and projects.
Legal tools are another area that most utilities are using to promote water conservation…
Most utilities appear to be quite forward thinking, as evidenced by the large number that employ multiple long-term planning tools…
Compared with use of other tools and management practices, the area of partnerships and co-operative efforts to promote conservation is relatively neglected…
Overall, few utilities are utilising any formal economic or financial tools to promote water conservation…
In contrast to education and consultation tools for residential water users, utility managers appear to employ far fewer methods for agricultural and ICI users…
Numerous tools are used to educate and consult with residential users, but conventional media (61%), billing enclosures (58%), and stand-alone publications (54%) are the most frequently used…
When it comes to leading by example, there are numerous tools that are currently in place within many BC utilities…
Of the operations and management tools most commonly used by utilities, emergency response plans are the most widespread…
Nearly all utility managers surveyed indicated that a website … would be a helpful resource.