Nine years after the Drinking Water Protection Act
Large water systems have been the primary focus of the regional health authorities. Meanwhile, not a whole lot seems to have changed for small systems.
Large water systems have been the primary focus of the regional health authorities. Meanwhile, not a whole lot seems to have changed for small systems.
The needs of salmon for water were given a much higher priority than most other consumptive uses of water, especially diverting of rivers for power.
Linda Nowlan (WWF Canada):
98 per cent feel fresh water is crucial to the prosperity and quality of life in BC; and 72 per cent say nature should be the priority for managing water use during times of water scarcity.
Georgia power plant
There is an absence of clear policy and direction in understanding the water-energy connection. As massive freshwater withdrawals by thermoelectric plants grow, they remain unevenly regulated.
The Co-operative Committee of BC Water Associations is dedicated to promotion of collaboration and co-operation between the member water associations and their membership.
While policy-makers and government agencies debate what needs to be done, innovative researchers and companies are creating products to help us use water more effectively — even profitably.
POLIS – Liz Hendriks (120p)
The webinar will set the stage for the 5-part series by focusing on the historical track record of water policy in the country and on the current momentum in Canadian water policy development.
Premiers direct their Ministers to use the Water Charter as a guide in their work; and challenge individual Canadians, businesses and governments to do better.
Nineteen communities aim to reduce community water use across the Columbia Basin by 20 percent by 2015.
Mike Adams, Natural News Editor
Even though laws restricting rainwater collection have been on the books for more than 100 years in some cases, they're slowly being reversed.