U.S. Water Prize Ceremony Honors Leaders In Water Sustainability



Clean Water America Alliance

In a ceremony attended by 200 water leaders, the Clean Water America Alliance presented the 2011 U.S. Water Prize recently to the City of Los Angeles, Milwaukee Water Council, National Great Rivers Research & Education Center, New York City Department of Environmental Protection, and the Pacific Institute.


About the Winners

“These Five U.S. Water Prize winners reflect the diversity of America,” declared Ben Grumbles, President of the Clean Water America Alliance. He explained by pointing out highlights of each winner's accomplishments,

  • “Los Angeles is connecting the dots and drops to show the nation how integrated resource planning, from sanitation to transportation, can save water and energy for the planet and money for people.
  • The Milwaukee Water Council is a world-class example of regional collaboration and technological innovation for a future of clean water and good jobs.
  • New York City's Department of Environmental Protection is showing the world, on a massive scale, the power of green infrastructure and resource recovery to prevent water pollution and produce clean energy.
  • The National Great Rivers Research and Education Center is a first-class facility with one of the most important missions of our time: advancing science and inspiring people to save and restore grand ecosystems that shape our communities and determine our future.
  • Last, but not least, the world needs more Pacific Institutes and Peter Gleicks to shed light and insight on water and watersheds and make the connections with clean energy and climate change policies” Grumbles concluded,

“Each of these U.S. Water Prize winners sets a shining example for innovating, integrating, and collaborating to sustain America's liquid assets.”


To Learn More:

To read the complete story, click on U.S. Water Prize Ceremony Honors Leaders In Water Sustainability.


Posted May 2011