Victoria Times-Colonist newspaper endorses ‘Water Pricing Primer’


Worth every penny: a primer on conservation-oriented water pricing  - cover (360p)

Conservation-Oriented Water Pricing

“When something is cheap or free, we assume it has no value. That’s one of the reasons we are so willing to waste water. If we want to reduce the amount of water going down the drain, we should charge more for it. It’s that simple,” states the Victoria Times-Colonist in an editorial published on May 25, 2010.

The editorial endorses a new report — a ‘Water Pricing Primer’ — released by the POLI Project at the University of Victoria. To read the entire editorial, click on Higher water rates save money.


About the Primer

“The Primer provides an overview of conservation-oriented water pricing for decision makers, water utilities and service providers in Canada,” states Oliver Brandes, Oliver brandes (120p)Associate Director and Water Sustainability Project Leader for the POLIS Project on Ecological Governance.

“It explains how water pricing works, what the benefits are, and how water utilities can implement conservation-oriented water pricing structures as a key tool in the water manager’s toolkit. As well, it offers advice on how to address implementation challenges, including how to avoid penalizing low-income families and how to maintain revenue stability for water utilities.” 

To download a copy, click on Worth Every Penny: A Primer on Conservation-Oriented Water Pricing.


Posted May 2010