POLIS releases new report on Conservation-Oriented Water Pricing
It has been 10 years since the Walkerton water tragedy and Canada still has one of the lowest prices for water use and the highest consumption levels in the world. With little financial incentive to conserve, we over-consume, and our overconsumption is threatening water supplies, community water security and the sustainability of our water service infrastructure
A new University of Victoria report seeks to stimulate a national dialogue on this issue by making the case for the use of conservation-oriented water pricing as tool for sustainable water management and to promote a modern approach to water infrastructure financing in Canada.
While the research is focused on Canada, it has broader application. It uses case studies from around North America, including Guelph, Seattle and Vancouver Island to illustrate what is possible and provides specific recommendations and a step-by-step action plan to turn concepts into on-the-ground results.
“The Primer provides an overview of conservation-oriented water pricing for decision makers, water utilities and service providers in Canada,” states Oliver Brandes, Associate Director and Water Sustainability Project Leader for the POLIS Project on Ecological Governance at the University of Victoria.
“It explains how water pricing works, what the benefits are, and how water utilities can implement conservation-oriented water pricing structures as a key tool in the water manager's toolkit. As well, it offers advice on how to address implementation challenges, including how to avoid penalizing low-income families and how to maintain revenue stability for water utilities.”
To download a copy, click on Worth Every Penny: A Primer on Conservation-Oriented Water Pricing.
Posted May 2010