Message from the BCWWA President: “Reaching the top of our game”


“The theme of the upcoming BCWWA Annual Conference & Trade Show, ‘Reaching New Heights,’ is more than just a conference theme,” writes Colwyn Sunderland, President of the BC Water & Waste Association in the Spring Colwyn sunderland - bcwwa president 2009-20102010 issue of Watermark Magazine.

“What we can achieve is limited only by how well we can work together to identify, develop and apply our talents, and by how effectively we can engage the public that relies on them. In this regard, BCWWA is pushing the boundaries. We are engaging our own community like never before.”

“We are also building new capacity to raise the public profile of our water and waste community.”

To read the complete article, click on Spring 2010 issue of Watermark Magazine and scroll down to page 6.


Posted April 2010