Water Conservation: Demand Management Planning and Implementation in British Columbia
Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan asks for “50% of new municipal water needs to be acquired through conservation by 2020”.
How might your community help to achieve this target?
Hosted by the BC Water & Waste Association, this one day workshop is designed to provide participants with a hands-on opportunity to develop water conservation and demand management strategies and identify tools to help them achieve the Living Water Smart target in their community. This workshop will:
- Outline the messages and targets of Living Water Smart
- Introduce attendees to the Water Conservation Planning Guidebook developed by the POLIS Project on Ecological Governance
- Highlight tools that are available to municipalities and water purveyors in helping them address demand management, community planning and water efficiency
According to Donna Caddie, Project Manager with the Ministry of Environment’s Living Water Smart team, the workshop goal is to understand how better urban, landscape and watershed planning can lead to water conservation and what tools are available to assist in this process. Donna Caddie will kick-off the workshop with a presentation titled Drivers to Live Water Smart.
For more information:
Click on Water Conservation: Demand Management Planning and Implementation to access the BCWWA website.
Posted January 2010