Message from the BCWWA’s Daisy Foster: Working towards a common purpose



Reprinted from the Winter 2008/09 issue of Watermark Magazine, the journal of the British Columbia Water & Waste Association:


As this is my first submission to Watermark, let me begin by saying that I see the next couple of years as an interesting time to be involved with BCWWA. I am truly Daisy foster - bcwwa ceo (160p)looking forward to the experience.

Although new to my role as CEO (since July 2008), through my employment in the water industry and other involvement with BCWWA, I have had the opportunity to observe some of the changes and challenges faced by the organization and the industry over the past couple of years. I have also witnessed the strength that  exists within the organization, through its Board, staff and volunteers, to deal with change and challenge. I am encouraged by the level of interest and active participation by more than 250 people who volunteer their time to improve the health and environment of everyone in this province through their work on BCWWA committees. With all of these resources and a road map to guide us, we can and will make a difference.

Having a shared vision and a plan for reaching our vision, and monitoring our  progress as we go, will determine our success. The BCWWA Board has developed a vision for BCWWA through their ‘Ends’ policies. As CEO, it is my responsibility to develop a plan for achieving these Ends. While I accept this responsibility, my success will depend on the support from volunteers and staff. Therefore, it is important to me that BCWWA members understand the vision and help to develop and implement the plan.

The first steps in making this happen took place at a Strategic Planning meeting in September at Harrison Hot Springs, which all committee chairs were invited to attend. Starting with a draft Strategic Plan, the strategies for achieving each of the Boards Ends policies were reviewed and revised. Each committee representative recorded activities that their committee is currently doing or is planning to do over the next three years.These activities form the basis of a 2009 work plan for each committee aligned with the strategies in the Strategic Plan and with the Ends. The assignment of staff and financial resources to the activities included in the work plan will result in all resources of BCWWA – the Board, staff, volunteers and finances – being aligned and working towards a common purpose.

For the complete article, click on Winter 2008/09 issue of the Watermark Magazine.


Posted April 2009