Village of Lumby Water-Use Efficiency Program
Posted October 2006
On May 23rd, 2006, the Village of Lumby launched its Water-use Efficiency Program. In keeping with the newly adopted Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan, a Stage-1 Water Conservation threshold was declared that instituted water sprinkling regulations, a public education awareness program, and increased water-level monitoring for village wells.
The summer of 2006 was officially recorded as the second hottest summer in average temperature since the Ministry of Environment began recording temperatures in 1963. In keeping with this statistic, it is easily explainable that a slight increase in water consumption was observed through the summer. Early implementation of Stage-1 measures, combined with the cooperation of Lumby residents, resulted in usage much lower than that experienced in 2003. (It is important to note that 2004 was the first year the Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan was adopted and implemented.)
In 2006, the highest recorded peak day of water consumption was 620,000 gallons. This represents 69 percent of the village water system’s pumping capacity. In 2005, the highest peak day was 770,000 gallons. This statistic proves that education has been effective, resulting in an enormous cost savings for the water system in pumping and maintenance costs.
With the continued support of the residents and the forthcoming upgrading of the water system, this will only confirm that Lumby is “Simply the Best”.
Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan
A grant from the Land and Water Division of B.C. helped institute the Village of Lumby’s Water Conservation and Drought Contingency program. In general, the program recognizes concerns of our existing water system and makes recommendations to improve water-use efficiency and infrastructure shortfalls through short- and long-term planning. More specifically, the program reaffirms the Village Of Lumby’s commitment to sprinkling restrictions. The following criteria explains the program’s trigger points:
Stage 1
Triggered at 65 percent water treatment capacity or well draw-down of 25 percent:
- Promote voluntary compliance of sprinkling regulations (odd/even days of sprinkling between 6PM and 8AM)
- Reduce water use through increased public awareness and compliance
- Institute the comprehensive water-level monitoring program.
Stage 2
Triggered at 65-85 percent treatment capacity for 30 consecutive days or well draw-down between 25 and 50 percent:
- Continue voluntary compliance of sprinkling regulations
- Reduce non-essential municipal water use
- Increase public awareness and compliance (possible door-to-door handouts).
Stage 3
Triggered at 85-95 percent treatment capacity for more than 15 consecutive days or well draw-down between 50 and 75 percent:
- Initiate mandatory water restrictions for non-essential use
- Limit landscape watering to once a week between 8PM and 8AM
- Discontinue municipal/government watering
- Discourage the establishment of new landscape vegetation
- Discourage new connections onto the system.
Stage 4
Triggered at 95-100 percent of treatment capacity for seven consecutive days or well draw-down between 75 and 98 percent:
- Increase water-level monitoring with daily reports to mayor and administrator
- Enforce mandatory watering restrictions strictly
- Prohibit draining/filling of pools
- Prohibit landscape watering
- Require a reduction in commercial water use
- Broadcast crisis alert through local media.