
Darrell Mussatto

    SEASON FINALE FOR WATERBUCKET.CA SERIES ON LIVING WATER SMART IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (December 2024): “Storytelling is among the oldest forms of communication,” stated Professor Rives Collins, author of ‘The Power of Story: Teaching Through Storytelling’

    We share our world view through our stories and storytelling This is how we pass on our oral history. Storytelling is the way we share intergenerational knowledge, experience and wisdom. “Storytelling is the commonality of all human beings, in all places, in all times,” stated Professor Rives Collins, Northwestern University, author of “The Power of Story: Teaching Through Storytelling”.

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    WHEN AN ELECTED LEADER IS THE CHAMPION, THE COMMUNITY BENEFITS: “By being an informed and educated elected leader, you are going to get the best decisions. But if you don’t know the lessons from the past, you risk unintended consequences. That is why memory loss is now a big concern,” stated Darrell Mussatto, former mayor of North Vancouver City

    “Politicians know how to get elected. But do they know all that other stuff that they need to know? Once upon a time, you had well-respected community leaders who everybody trusted,” stated Darrell Mussatto. “In the old days, voters elected community leaders to municipal council because those people brought certain skillsets with them. Today, the people getting elected know how to use social media to get people to vote for them. But do they know and care about what matters in local government? To ask the tough questions, you must be informed and educated about what matters.”

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    GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE IS THE PATHWAY TO WATER SUSTAINABILITY: “Championing water resources has no political downside!” stated Darrell Mussatto, former mayor of North Vancouver City

    “The loss of continuity in municipal engineering leadership throughout the region concerns me. Just imagine all the knowledge and understanding that must be re-learned. It has come at a critical time for the future direction of the region. Transitioning to a new council is also a challenge, and always has been. We need a better way to pass along the knowledge we gained to the newly elected ones without them feeling like the old crew are still in charge. We had our time in the office. Now it is their turn to carry the baton and be the champions,” stated Darrell Mussatto.

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