WEBINAR OPPORTUNITY / "Whole-System, Water Balance Approach" / are you curious? / then register today for the webcast!
HOW RAINFALL REACHES STREAMS: “We will begin by examining how the protection of watershed and stream health in the urban environment ultimately depends on maintaining the natural proportion of rainwater entering streams via three pathways: overland runoff, shallow interflow and deep groundwater flow,” states Jim Dumont, Engineering Applications Authority, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.
HOW TO ASSESS IMPACTS: “We will explore how application of the Water Balance Methodology provides an effective way to assess potential impacts resulting from urban development, by allowing a modeller to accurately mimic streamflow and duration in urban infrastructure design.
HOW TO DEMONSTRATE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOLUTIONS: “We will then jump into how optimizing the size and operation of mitigation facilities in the model can be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the mitigation plan in protecting the receiving stream.
HOW TO MINIMIZE TOTAL COST: “Finally, we will analyze how this approach provides a cost-effective methodology for creating watershed plans with optimized and effective mitigation facilities for a minimum total cost,” concludes Jim Dumont.

“If the desired outcome is to limit stream erosion, prevent flooding and improve water quality, then a guiding principle must be to replicate the flow-duration pattern to mimic the annual Water Balance.” – Jim Dumont