“It is no accident that we gather around water coolers and watering holes,” observes Angus McAllister, pollster and researcher



Note to Reader:

Launched at the 2006 Water in the City Conference, the CAVI-Convening for Action on Vancouver Island initiative showcases leadership in water sustainability. Building on years of success in collaborating with those who are leading change in the local government setting, the CAVI Leadership Team is partnering with the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance and Royal Roads University to advance their shared vision for Vancouver Island 2065namely – “Moving Towards Settlement, Economy and Ecology in Balance”.

SAVE THE DATE (December 9): Workshop on “How Managing Water Now…..Will Shape the Future”

Co-hosted by the Partnership for Water Sustainability and the Irrigation Industry Association, “Convening for Action on Vancouver Island: How Managing Water Now…..Will Shape the Future” is an opportunity to share and learn about VI2065: The Vision for Vancouver Island in 50 Years.

A Thought-Provoking Approach

“We are excited to announce that Angus McAllister, President of McAllister Opinion Research, is part of our workshop presentation team. Angus has gained international recognition for his innovation in transforming the way that policy ideas are communicated,” states Ted van der Gulik, Partnership President, and formerly the Senior Engineer in the BC Ministry of Agriculture.

Ted-van-der-Gulik_Jan-2013_v4_120p“Water is a form maker. It defines communities. Also, the consequences of our water-centric decisions ripple through time. Recognizing these factors, our workshop is designed to spark a conversation and ultimately inform a shared vision for Vancouver Island. The workshop will demonstrate tools that can help communities achieve a vision for settlement, economy and ecology in balance.”

“The workshop day is structured as four modules. Angus McAllister will tag-team with CAVI’s Eric Bonham in Module A to engage the audience in an interactive town-hall segment. Through their use of thought-provoking questions, in tandem with online tools that instantaneously display participant feedback, we anticipate that Angus and Eric will inspire the audience to embrace a call to action.”

A Shared Future Starts with Water 

Visualizing Personal Connections to Water

Visualizing Personal Connections to Water

“I am passionate about water. I am passionate about Vancouver Island. Those are the reasons why I accepted Ted’s invitation without hesitation,” continues Angus McAllister. “Through my polling Angus McAllister_trimmed_120presearch, I have learned that people are hardwired to water, at both the functional and emotional levels.”

“It is no accident that we like to gather around water coolers and watering holes. Water brings people together. It is a natural starting point for any conversation about common interests, and by extension, our shared future.”

“At the workshop on December 9th, I will use two online tools – SayZu and StoryMaps – to engage the audience in sharing their favourite water moments. Stories unite us. Water does it. The StoryMaps platform helps people visualize the landscape,” Angus McAllister foreshadows.

Eric Bonham_2012_120p“Water security will be the governing factor when envisioning a sustainable future on Vancouver Island,” notes Eric Bonham. “Vancouver Island 2065, an initiative partnering business and water resource specialists with the academic sector, in collaboration with local government and communities, will identify the challenges associated with long term water security and its implications for settlement, economy and ecology, and as a result, initiate action that progressively guides us towards a sustainable future.”

To Learn More:

For a preview of what you can expect on December 9, click on Convening for Action on Vancouver Island: How Managing Water Now…..Will Shape the Future to download a copy of the Program Overview.

The workshop is complete with a mini-tradeshow. TO REGISTER via the Irrigation Industry Association website, click on https://www.irrigationbc.com/irrigation/courses/view_scheduled/149.

Members of the Partnership for Water Sustainability are eligible for a discount rate. To receive the coupon code, please email your request via outreach@waterbucket.ca. Then add the coupon code during registration checkout.




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