Tim Pringle steps down as President of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia

Tim Pringle hands off the Partnership Presidency to Ted van der Gulik, March 2014

Tim Pringle hands off the Partnership Presidency to Ted van der Gulik, March 2014

“Tim Pringle is both a pragmatist and a visionary, two invaluable qualities when forging a sustainable future,” says Mike Tanner, Founding Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC

Tim Pringle is the Founding President of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia. This month, he stepped down after completing the inaugural 3-year term. Tim remains a Director such that the Partnership will continue to benefit from his wisdom and experience in his new role as Past-President.

DSC_0481_Mike Tanner_120p“An advocate of the ‘top down bottom up’ principle of engagement, Tim Pringle has been a consistent champion for local involvement, and recognizes the value of stewardship groups and community groups in working towards a common vision based upon universal values,” states Mike Tanner (formerly with BC Hydro Power Smart), also a Founding Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.

“Tim Pringle is well-respected in BC. In 2010, for example, he was the inaugural winner of the Land Champion Award for British Columbia. The award recognized his leadership, innovation and collaboration to address issues related to the use and conservation of land in communities, regions, professions, and the province as a whole.”

Settlement Change in Balance with Ecology

“Tim Pringle is a Land and Water Champion. His two decades of experience as the first Executive Director of the Real Estate Foundation (from 1988 to 2008), combined with his extensive understanding of the business sector, have proven invaluable in guiding the evolution of the Partnership for Water Sustainability.”

“In 2007, for example, Tim Pringle introduced a way-of-thinking called ‘settlement change in balance with ecology’. Tim articulated the principle that it is in a community’s best interests to learn about both sides of the balance. Then, he said, the community can ensure that settlement change results in benefits exceeding liabilities at the site, community and regional scales.” Download: Tim Pringle explains what “Settlement in Balance with Ecology” means.

“Tim combines this knowledge with the understanding that communities need to integrate the social and monetary value of ecological services to support sustainable human settlements, that results in a long term sustainable economy.”

“It is his ability to integrate diverse viewpoints and recognize the need for commitment and strong leadership in the various sectors that has been the hallmark of his leadership within the Partnership.”

“Tim Pringle is both a pragmatist and a visionary, two invaluable qualities when forging a sustainable future that calls for innovation and imaginative leadership skills,” concludes Mike Tanner.

To Learn More:

Read the complete story at Tim Pringle steps down as President of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.

The Partnership for Water Sustainability is not government, but government is very much part of the Partnership. The Partnership is the hub for a ‘convening for action’ network in the local government setting. For the past decade, the Partnership has been collaborating with the Province and local governments to deliver the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia. “We develop tools. We develop talent. We focus on outcomes,” states Tim Pringle, Past-President.

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