POLIS Water Sustainability Project celebrates milestone as an advocate for “thinking like a watershed”
“A decade of success in British Columbia,” says Oliver Brandes
“2013 marks the 10-year anniversary of the POLIS Water Sustainability Project at the University of Victoria, and the entire project team is thrilled to be celebrating this milestone! We couldn’t have made it this far without the support of all our funders, the research community, and those concerned citizens and leaders who share their time and energy and champion our work,” proclaims Oliver Brandes, POLIS Co-Director. POLIS is a centre for trans-disciplinary research.
“How far we have come! Back in 2003, the Water Sustainability Project was a little project with a team of one. It grew out of a visionary idea from Dr. Michael M’Gonigle that fresh water was on the cusp of being a major issue across Canada, and especially in British Columbia. A decade of hard work later—with extraordinary people, wonderful partnerships, and real opportunities to make an impact—we are inspired and empowered by the fact that our research keeps growing and the project continues to improve.”
“By examining all actions in the context of the watershed, we can move toward a governance system that is rooted in ecological principles, and shift the focus towards managing the people within a watershed, rather than controlling the watershed itself.”
The POLIS Water Sustainability Project began as part of the POLIS Project on Ecological Governance. It works to develop innovative legal, institutional, and practical approaches that embody the principles of ecological governance, providing the foundation for a comprehensive legal and policy framework for sustainable water management.
To learn about the long-term collaboration between POLIS and the Partnership for Water Sustainability, click on “Think Like a Watershed,” advocates Oliver Brandes