Preparing for Climate's Change: Securing BC's Future




Primer on Integrated Rainwater and Groundwater Management for Lands in BC

During the period 2009 – 2012, the federal-provincial Regional Adaptation Collaboratives (RACs) Program was implemented to support coordinated action towards advancing regional climate change adaptation decision-making across Canada. 

In British Columbia, Natural Resources Canada partnered with the Ministry of Environment and Fraser Basin Council to work directly with other collaborators, including government and non-government organizations such as the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC, and the British Columbia Conservation Foundation.


Resiliency to a Changing Climate

“The vision for the BC Regional Adaptation Collaborative, Preparing for Climate Change: Securing B.C.’s Water Future, is to enhance resilience to a changing climate and the anticipated, related impacts on water and aquatic ecosystems. Project activities have led to recommendations and actions for improved policies, practices and plans, as well as tools to support adaptation action,” reports Jim Vanderwaal, Senior Program Manager at the Fraser Basin Council.

The RACs Program provided funding for the Primer on Integrated Rainwater and Groundwater Management for Lands on Vancouver Island and Beyond, released in April 2012 by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC and the Living Rivers Trust. 


City of Parksville Demonstration Project

Collaboration with the City of Parksville created the opportunity to inform the educational process that is part of the City’s Official Community Plan Review. In turn, the Parksville experience will inform the Inter-Regional Education Initiative that is advancing a consistent approach to rainwater management and water sustainability on Vancouver Island.

This Primer builds on the technical foundation created by the Water Balance Model Partnership; and incorporates the findings of a precedent-setting groundwater research project undertaken by Dr. Gilles Wendling. His research was funded by the Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society. 



To download a copy, click on Primer on Integrated Raiinwater & Groundwater Management for Lands on Vancouver Island and Beyond.

The Primer comprises six sections. For a synopsis of the Primer storyline, click on Table 1. The first five sections of this Primer establish context. To close the loop, the sixth and last section provides guidance so that champions in the local government setting will be informed and can then lead the move from awareness to action.




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