Water Bucket Website hosts "homepage" for 2012 Cowichan Valley Forum on Sustainable Rainwater Management
Inter-Regional Education Initiative
on Vancouver Island
On March 28, the Cowichan Valley is the host region for the 2nd Vancouver Island Water Balance Model Forum. To help tell the story of this event, and connect the dots to the inaugural 2008 Forum, a homepage has been established on the Water Bucket website.
“The Forum is the kick-off for an Inter-Regional Education Initiative on Vancouver Island to be implemented in four regions over several years. Sharing of experiences, collaboration, alignment and a consistent approach on Vancouver Island will allow everyone to go farther, more efficiently and effectively,” reports Kate Miller of the Cowichan Valley Regional District. Kate is Manager of the Regional Environmental Policy Division. She is also Chair of the Cowichan Valley Regional Team comprising five local governments, the Cowichan Tribes, and the Cowichan Watershed Board.
“The Water Bucket team is working with the Cowichan Valley Regional Team to help them capture their key messages about the 2012 Forum on Sustainable Rainwater Management in a conversational way,” states Mike Tanner, Chair of the Water Bucket Website Partnership. “The Water Bucket provides a tangible way to record history as it is being created by those who are convening for action in British Columbia.”