How Green Does Your Garden Grow?




Gardening Turns Out to be Very Eco-Unfriendly

“Gardening: surely few things could be more eco-friendly? Not so, it seems. Scientists have produced new research which suggests that, far from doing their bit to save the planet, Britain’s green-fingered army may be damaging it,” write Roger Dobson and Jonathan Owen in an article published in the Independent, a British newspaper.

“The very staples of modern gardening, from mowing and watering the lawn to the use of peat and pesticides, have a harmful effect on the environment, claim experts from the University of Reading, the University of Sheffield, and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). Their paper, The Domestic Garden: Its Contribution to Urban Green Infrastructure, questions the widespread assumption that gardening is eco-friendly.”




To read the complete article as published in the Indepedent, click here. To view the image above, click on How Green Does Your Garden Grow?


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